目前分類:journal (19)

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This week we all busy on the playlet.

this year we are going to the the story of frozen.

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Do you ever think about why the wich would curse the princess.


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ah011512 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

did u guys cook?


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my friend around me crazy into a call 2048

1662349_10200973398415664_6999274845286157303_nas its name the goal of the game is plus the nume to get 204

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i am really glad that i am the first one my friend will wanna talk when they bump into relation troble 

they trust me and make me feel i am needed by someone.

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I went to tainan with my family in winter break

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Spring Break is commeing there are 10 day off.

coincidenly met my birthday I plan to  小琉球 and 墾丁 with my friend and I am so excited for it.

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It is a animate movie made by dream work 

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  Do you guys often recive the message about game invite  like. . .  


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淡水 really rain so much, what would u guys do in the raining day?

I am really lazy and hate to get wet in such bad day, so I usually listen to the music at home

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    I think my winter vacation won't be any special but I sort of espect for the family trip this year.

we decide to go to 宜蘭 and take the high speed rail instand of drive the car. Our famaily would have a little trip in summer and winter vacation. We seldom go there so I really excited for it.

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I wannna intorduce cafe call Flügel

it's around MRT 

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i wanna introduce a girl call Miley Cyrus 

she came out from Disney 

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this week is the middtern week.

and my friend and I used to study together in coffee shop.

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 Grey's Anatomy is really a good opera

not only the good intersting plot and a lot charmy actors

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Last weekend I went to  Kaohsiung with my friend for a exhibition-Museum of Broken Relationship 


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  I saw the article of teacher share about local food make me want to introduce a place where I really love to stay in Tamsui. 

It's call "La vie Revee Des Anges", it located on the end of Tamsui street. 

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